Wedding Management~

Truly creative wedding decor often goes well beyond ordinary flowers or standard wedding decorations. For an impressively distinctive do-it-yourself wedding, look for items to decorate your reception in non-typical places - this means looking well beyond the traditional wedding decoration stores, and using a little imagination.

This is how the best wedding planers in the business approach wedding decorating - and it's precisely how they manage to achieve those wonderfully individualized, one-of-a-kind looks for every wedding they work on. And you can do the same.

An added bonus - by thinking creatively and shopping for your wedding in 'unlikely' places you're likely to save money along the way. This is because you'll avoid that strange little phenomenom which seems to dictate that anything sold with the implicit purpose of a wedding automatically comes with a dramatically inflated price tag. Ever notice that...?

Watch for clearance sales of seasonal merchandise which can be incorporated into your wedding decor too. The post-Christmas season is an excellent time to pick up bargains on decor for upcoming fall, winter, or Christmas weddings. Right now, for example, many stores are clearing out themed merchandise at bargain-basement prices. This makes for a wonderful opportunity to pick up items which will lend themselves to exquisite wedding decor.

Keep in mind that these types of seasonal items are generally only available during the holiday season, so if you are planning holiday season wedding, this is the time to do your buying. You won't find such themed items in July or August, as your wedding draws nearer!

Our editor, expert wedding consultant and wedding planers, set out to find some other examples of fall, winter, and Christmas decorations which can be incorporated into wedding decor for gorgeous impact.We let you to get ideas, and become inspired.

You'll find more wedding decoration ideas for all seasons in the links to the right.


Anniversary Management~

When you have your theme, visit the venue for the party - even if it is your own house - and look at the room as it would be set for the party. What areas do you want to hide? Where are the best areas to be decorated? Where is your room's focal point?

Now set your budget - it is all too easy to go to the party supply shops and even when you are out doing your normal shop and put another balloon pack, garden gnome(!?)into your basket. In other words, have a plan.

Make a list of all the items that you want to use and decorate. Balloons are a cheap and easy decoration, they don't have to make it look like a children's party. Balloons are great for hiding areas and adding focal points with balloon arches and columns. It is best to get a professional in for the more complicated stuff, but if you just want clusters of balloons at the tables then this is fairly easy to do yourself. All you will need is a gas cannister and balloons - available from all good party shops and some volunteers to help tie the balloons with ribbons.

Flowers are a beautiful way to decorate a room but can be expensive, think of having the flowers where they will make the most impact. Entrances, top tables, guest tables are the most obvious

Other table decoration ideas are candles - best to check with the venue that they are happy for you to use them. You can either have them in candleabras or tealights in glasses or you can display them on a mirror tile to give double the sparkle.

Other sparkles can be with the metallic confetti scattered on the tables - do not do this if you are at home!! It takes months to clear it up - and you still find little bits.

A very personal wedding anniversary decoration is to have photographs of the couple on their wedding day and up to today. You could either display them on one wall or have them framed on each table. Plus it's a good giggle looking at all the old photos. It might be an idea to have the originals copied as you don't want them damaged.